The largest gamedev conference Games Gathering Conference 2023 starts in Kyiv

In August, Kyiv will host the largest conference of game developers in Ukraine - Games Gathering Conference 2023 Kyiv. Games Gathering Kyiv is a unique occasion for the game industry, not only in Ukraine but also for thе whole of Eastern Europe.
Location: Premier Hotel Rus Hospitalna St, 4 Kyiv, Ukraine 01601
When: August 3-6 2023
The event will be held in traditional hybrid format.
What's on the plan?
August 3-6 — online days of the conference.
August 4 — preparty for speakers and Business tickets holders.
August 5 — offline day of the conference and the main party.
August 6 — offline day of the conference.
We remember that there is a war in our country and, as you know, we have never neglected the safety of our visitors. That's why we took care of the shelter's availability near the conference venues. During offline event online platform will be working as usual including meeting appointments and attending online lectures.
What awaits for you:
? 1500+ visitors
? Informative speeches by internationally recognized speakers
? Nice opportunity productive networking
? Unbelievable loud parties
? Indie Blast award and valuable prizes for the best projects
? Free beer
Registration: Web site, Facebook